Posts tagged ‘blooming nine patch’

Blooming Nine Patch Complete


(I will definitely post a better picture when I can. It’s been cloudy and hard to photograph.)

I picked up the blooming nine patch from the machine quilter last Sunday. So exciting. The pantograph Cathy used is called ‘popcorn’ and it has soft cloudy lines. I really think it brings it all together.


I felt the quilt really needed a blue binding to bring the colors full circle. I settled on the Kaffe Fassett “Wood Ear” fabric for the backing and binding. I used to hate to hand sew the binding but since I learned this cool (and nearly invisible) blind stitch, I find it very relaxing and missed not having it to work on the next day. Maybe I should really learn to knit, it might give me the same effect.

Next up, I’m nearly finished with the Urban Couture top and will begin sashing the completed blocks for my sister-in-law’s quilt.

April 4, 2009 at 8:03 pm 3 comments

Blooming Nine Patch Top Done


Almost. I think I’ll add a narrow border of the green in the outer triangles. Piece the back then it’s done, for me anyway. This one is going off to the longarmer.

January 20, 2009 at 10:38 am 4 comments

Sewing Progress Report

• I have finally pieced the back for the dinosaur quilt at long last. I had extra strips from the nine patches that I worked into the back. The batting arrived last week and the extension table I ordered should be in any day now. Then I can break out my rusty quilting skills and have at it. It’s getting chilly now and the big boy should have it on his bed.

• I’ve decided to sew some holiday gifts and made these two totes from the Sew, Mama, Sew tutorial. After the first one, I realized the importance of a contrasting fabric pocket to make it more interesting.


• I’m on the last set of nine patches for the blooming nine patch quilt. Only 64 of these. (There are a total of 288 of them in the quilt. Yikes!) Then the corner triangles and sew the strips together. Whoop, there’s a quilt top.

• Lastly, I made the sloppiest potholder ever. I have Insul-Brite plus two layers of batting (overkill!) that made it difficult to move smoothly through my machine. Then I tried to use bias tape to bind and made a big mess of that as well. It’s too bad because the fabric is fun. I’ll just have to keep it myself because the lime green matches my kitchen.uglypotholder

November 13, 2008 at 2:50 pm 1 comment

Blooming Nine Patch Progress

I’ve got the diagonal strips sewn up to the eighth fabric, that’s as far as the pattern goes. Of course, I can’t stick to a pattern so I’m adding an additional row, to make a queen sized quilt.


I think the subtle colors on the outside need something to bounce off of so they won’t be drowned out by the color in the center. I’m auditioning the center fabric to use on the edges. I think it works.


November 4, 2008 at 10:28 am 8 comments

Blooming Nine Patch – In Progress

Here’s fabrics 1 through 5 (out of a total of 8, maybe nine if I go for the bed size quilt). The Kaffe Fassett prints are really stunning here, if I do say so myself.

October 23, 2008 at 12:55 pm 1 comment

Blissed out … with batting

Our quilting weekend was, in a word … perfection.

Two and a half days, five fabric stores, five fabulous women, good food, lots of wine, glorious weather, lovely accommodations. What more could I ask for? Well yes, I admit I did think about never leaving but that was out of the question.

I don’t have any pictures (but really, are there any pictures of heaven?) The blooming nine patch is going fabulously. I’ll have some progress pictures soon.

October 21, 2008 at 6:43 pm 2 comments

(More than) Ready to go!

At long last, our quilting weekend is here! I’ve cut almost all of the strips I need to get started on the Blooming Nine patch quilt. I still have to find more of the Kaffe Dahlia fabric but we have a few shops to visit so I’m sure I’ll be able to fill that in.

This just might be my idea of heaven, a weekend with nothing to do but play with fabric (no offense to hubby and the boys but mama needs a getaway).

October 16, 2008 at 10:49 am 2 comments

Quilting Getaway Weekend

It’s not until October but I’m so looking forward to it. The ladies in the quilting class are all going to my husband’s aunt’s cottage at Lake Winnepesaukee in New Hampshire for a weekend. We’ll sew, gab, eat and drink without husbands, kids and other distractions for 48 blissful hours. Also on the agenda is a trip to the Northern New England quilting mecca of Keepsake Quilting, only 25 minutes away.

My project will be a blooming nine-patch from the book Traditions with a Twist by Dalene Young Stone and Blanche Young. I haven’t picked a color scheme yet. I’ll have to go check out the stash for some inspiration.

These dog days of July are getting hot and tiresome but I’m happy to have something to look forward to. Is it October yet?

July 24, 2008 at 9:16 am 1 comment

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